
Eager to get started? This page gives a good introduction in how to get started with versify.

First, make sure that:

  • Versify is installed
  • you have a file config.ini with this content:
key = myDbtKey
lang = FRN

Let’s get started with some simple examples.

Get a verse on bible

Get a verse with versify is very simple.

Begin by importing the versify module:

from versify.util.Dbt import Dbt

Now, let’s try to get a verse.

# locate the config.ini file
dbt = Dbt(config_path="/path/to/config.ini")

# DBY is the code of Darby
print(dbt.find_verse("DBY", "1 Timothée", 2, 1))

That’s all well and good, but it’s also only the start of what versify can do.

Get List of verse of chapters

You often want to get all the verse of chapter on bible. You would use the following code.

# locate the config.ini file
dbt = Dbt(config_path="/path/to/config.ini")

# DBY is the code of Darby
print(dbt.find_chapters("DBY", "1 Timothée", 2).get_verses(dbt))

Get random verse on bible

You often want to get a random verse on bible. You would use the following code.

# locate the config.ini file
dbt = Dbt(config_path="/path/to/config.ini")

# DBY is the code of Darby